Consider these key points before falling pregnant:

  • Prenatal vitamins (Maternal or PregVit) can be started at this
  • point.  Make sure that you have quit smoking. If you need help with this, see your family doctor.

  •  Ideally, you should not drink alcohol once you have conceived, so why not quit drinking alcohol now.
  • If you own a cat, have someone else change the litter from now on. Cat litter is home to a parasite that can cause toxoplasmosis in your fetus in its early stages.
  • If you have a history of hepatitis B or C, syphilis, or HIV/AIDS, notify your doctor of your plans to fall pregnant.
  • Check to make sure that you are immune to chickenpox, rubella and measles. If you are unsure, there are blood tests that can help.
  • Avoid ingestion of unpasteurized milk and milk products, and of honey.
  • If you were on the pill, allow yourself a normal period, and then you may attempt to fall pregnant. Should you become pregnant while you are still on the pill, stop taking it as soon as possible. This is not unusual and is certainly no cause for concern.
  • If you use an Intra Uterine Device (IUD), this must be removed before you try to conceive.
  • If your workplace exposes you to any toxins or your work is physically very strenuous, talk to your doctor so that some orm of plan can be worked out ahead of time.
  • Schedule an appointment with your doctor so that you can discuss whether you need any tests prior to falling pregnant.