This term refers to babies born before 37 weeks. Because their organ systems are developed but immature, they do need extra care and usually end up in a special care unit. Some of the problems resulting from premature births are: Immature lungs causing breathing problems. This may result in closer monitoring of the blood oxygen saturation levels and also some assistance with extra oxygen and sometimes with ventilation. Uncoordinated sucking and swallowing resulting in feeding difficulties. Increased chance of infection due to an immature immune system. Heat temperature regulation problems. Immature liver making jaundice more likely.

More fragile blood vessels will result in higher chance of bruising and bleeding making it more important to handle gently. This also is an extremely tough time for parents. I truly can understand what this does to a parent both professionally and personally. Our son Taylor was born with respiratory distress and was in a special care nursery with oxygen ventilation for 21 days. These were truly 21 days of hell. There is always frustration, anger, guilt and probably every emotion of loss that a parent can go through. All your expectations are crushed; you are emotionally drained. It is a time when you have to believe in medical expertise and to have a solid belief system. It is also a time when you need love and support from your family and friends.

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