One terrible misconception is that if you breast feed you will not fall pregnant. This is absolutely untrue. You can and will fall pregnant, so ask your doctor about the two options available to you. Both are safe while breastfeeding. The minipill is a progesterone-only pill that can be started three weeks prior to having sex and is taken every day without a break. It is still not 100% protective, but when taken in conjunction with breastfeeding, it provides protection that is considered to be almost as good as the combination estrogen/progesterone pill.
It can result in three different scenarios when it comes to a period. Because you start it without having first had a period and because you take it daily without a break, you could get your period once a month, or you may not get a period at all, or you may get a period on and off. Depo-Provera is an injectable progesterone-only hormone that is injected into the muscle every 12 to 13 weeks. It will cause your periods to completely disappear by the third shot.
Depo-Provera has three negative aspects. First, you are almost guaranteed to gain weight on the shots; second, Depo-Provera is so effective that when you decide to fall pregnant again, it may take you as long as two years. Third, and very topical, is the possibility of osteoporosis (thin bones) in association with this drug. Take all three points into consideration before deciding to take this method of birth control.
I’m looking for a birth control option to start while beast feeding. However, I might want to try to get pregnant again within the next 2 years. Would this pill be a good option for me? Can anyone recommend a suitable option please. Thanks for any help
The Mini-pill is a progesterone only pill and is perfect to use while breastfeeding.
You do not have to wait for a period to begin . So—-you would begin it right away and you need to continue it each day while breastfeeding. You do not stop it in- between packs , so as soon as you finish the one pack you start the next.
Once you decide to stop breast feeding you would switch to a combination estrogen / progesterone pill. At the time that you decide to start with your next pregnancy tou would be able to attempt to fall pregnant the day that you stop either form of birth control.
Good luck