How To Get Pregnant Naturally

When you’re struggling to get pregnant, it can take a lot out of you, I know. Dealing with any type of infertility issue is a battle that takes a lot of heart and courage to deal with successfully…

What’s surprising however, is just how many men and women go into this demanding battle without knowing the truth about just how simple it can be to get pregnant, provided you have the right game plan…

The fact of the matter is that you can take complete control of your fertility and boost the odds of having your very own happy, healthy, perfect baby with just a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle!

Sounds like it’s too good to be true, right?

I promise you it isn’t, and I can prove it too.

You see, many people incorrectly believe that artificial hormones, drugs, and painful and invasive surgeries are the only way to fight infertility, but this couldn’t be further from the truth… In fact, these types of treatments can often create a slew of nasty side-effects, and sometimes even reduce your chances of ever getting pregnant. Not to mention the prohibitive expenses for such procedures, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars and offer you no guarantee of success at all.

The truth is that your absolute best bet for conceiving is to follow the scientifically-proven, completely natural and holistic guidelines below. These simple secrets and tips are part of a very unique system which has been used successfully by thousands of women who were themselves dealing with infertility but decided to empower themselves and take action. As a result, 9 out of 10 of the women who followed this program’s simple guidelines became pregnant naturally within 3 months!

So what are you waiting for? Use the tips below to begin creating a body that’s optimized for fertility and discover how to have the baby you are destined to have.

Step 1: Lifestyle changes

There are some very obvious habits that contribute to infertility, such as smoking or drinking too much coffee. There are also many less obvious factors that are often easily overlooked, including many of your daily habits. The simple act of trying out a few of the lifestyle changes below can super-boost your fertility in a matter of minutes, and are definitely worth exploring.

  • Exercise: Moderate daily exercise is always a healthy way to keep your body fit and healthy, and a healthy body means a higher chance of conception. However, remember that the keyword here is moderation! If you exercise too much, your body can be thrown off balance, affecting ovulation. Also remember, even though losing weight can sometimes help fertility, extremely low body fat can do exactly the opposite!

  • Sleep: A good night’s sleep can be an extremely important factor in battling infertility. Lack of sleep can often throw off the chemical balance in your body, reducing hormone production. Studies have shown that missing a full night of sleep can shorten the time between ovulation and menstruation, which lowers chances of conception. So make time in your schedule for a good eight hours of sleep!

  • Stress: We all know how stressful modern life can be, yet a lot of people don’t realize how much it can affect your body. Stress and anxiety can release a chemical named cortisol, which can negatively affect your hormones, making it more difficult to conceive. Don’t overwhelm yourself, and take time everyday to relax. Believe me, your body will thank you for it.

  • Medication: Always make sure that the medications your doctor has prescribed do not lower your fertility rate. Often, a simple change in medicine can be the key to conception.

  • Reduce Toxins: We are exposed to toxins so often in our daily lives, even in places we may not realize. Toxic material like cleaning chemicals and beauty products can sometimes be a determining factor in fertility rates. Second-hand smoke is another major source of unhealthy chemicals to avoid, as it contains poisons that disrupt hormonal balance. Try to spend as little time as you can in direct contact with these types of substances.

Step 2: Dietary Changes

This is an important one. As a culture, we have a nasty habit of eating too much of the wrong types of food. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies are becoming more common every day, taking away crucial elements that women need to beat infertility.

So this tip is simple: Give your body everything it needs! Conceiving and giving birth puts an incredible strain on your body so you need to supply it with everything it requires to be successful. Keep in mind some of the following guidelines:

  • Healthy Fats: Fat gets a bad rap when it comes to health, however the truth is that fat is a necessary part of a balanced diet. Some fats are even used to create the hormones required for fertility. Try working foods high in the right type of fats into your diet. These include avocados, eggs, nuts, and olives.

  • Protein: Since protein is an integral part of creating cells and tissue, it is essential when maximizing your fertility and yet a surprising amount of women are protein-deficient! Remember to eat ygrass-fed lean meats, eggs, beans and nuts to stock up on these building blocks of life.

  • Water: Stay hydrated! It is amazing how many people suffer from a slew of symptoms just because they don’t get enough water. For most women this can mean up to a gallon a day. Try to drink enough water so that your urine is a clear yellow color as this will facilitate many of the processes required for fertility. An important note here is that while trying to conceive and pregnant, you should only be drinking purified water. Tap water is often contaminated with chemicals that can hurt your chances at conceiving. One shocking study even found some of the primary chemicals that make up birth control pills in the municipal water supply of more than a dozen major U.S. cities! Again, purified water is the only way to go if you want to super-boost your fertility.

  • Folic Acid: A key factor in cell division, folic acid is a common nutrient given to women who are or planning on becoming pregnant. It can ultimately increase ovulation, and thus your chances of conception. Consult your doctor on how much of this vitamin you should take. Most doses range from 1000 to 2000 micrograms everyday for women who are trying to conceive.

  • B-Vitamins: This can be a very common deficiency in societies that eat large quantities of processed foods. With the proper levels of B-vitamins, the creation of fertility hormones will be much easier for your body to complete.

  • Vitamin D: Another common deficiency, studies have shown conclusively that a lack of Vitamin D in your body can lower the chances of conception and increase the chances of miscarriage. Make sure you get the amount you need from vitamin d fortified foods or, more simply, a walk in the sun.

By concentrating on these dietary requirements, your body will have all the supplies it needs to create the necessary hormones for fertility. Remember to keep these healthy eating habits even after you become pregnant; your baby will need those nutrients throughout its entire development.

Step 3: Supplements

While the lifestyle and diet changes above can often reverse infertility by themselves, some women notice faster or better results by taking advantage of a small number of compeltely natural herbs and supplements.

Thousands of women have taken the following supplements with great success:

  • Red Clover- An extremely high vitamin content that contains almost every important trace mineral. It has been used for centuries to help balance hormones and restore fertility.

  • Red Raspberry Leaf- A fairly well-know fertility herb that is great during pregnancy. It has a remarkably high nutrient profile and is very high in calcium. While it is available in pill form, the leaves themselves make an excellent hot or cold tea.

  • Nettle Leaf– Abundant in important minerals. It contains lots of chlorophyll and is nourishing to the adrenal glands and the kidneys. It is also known to reduce stress. Once you’re pregnant, it is a great way to get your body the nutrients it needs and it has a large vitamin K content to prevent hemorrhage. The best way to take advantage of nettle leaf is to add it to tea that you drink before and during pregnancy.

  • Alfalfa- A wide variety of vitamins including A, D, E and K, as well as 8 digestive enzymes. Contains numerous trace minerals and is often added to commercially-sold vitamin pills because of its high vitamin profile.

  • Maca– A natural hormone balancing herb that is known throughout the world for its fertility and vitality promoting properties. Good for both women and men who wish to increase fertility, though women should only take between menses and ovulation and then discontinue to make sure it is not taken during pregnancy. It is a very potent herb that often has very noticeable effects on fertility. Available in both powdered and pill form.

  • Dandelion- Contains vitamins A and C as well as vital trace minerals. The root is beneficial for your liver and the leaf is a mild diuretic. It can also help cleanse the body and remove toxins.

While all of these herbs and supplements are widely available, it’s important that you don’t take any of them in combination with fertility drugs, hormone treatments or hormonal birth control. As with any dietary or supplement change, consult a doctor or health care professional about your individual needs.

By simply following the tips above, your reproductive system will begin to improve daily and eventually become optimized to the point of “fertility perfection”. You’ll also start feeling and looking a lot better as your body re-balances itself. Within the span of just a few short weeks, you could very easily get pregnant naturally with the healthy baby boy or girl you’ve been dreaming of and become the proud, happy mom you’re destined to be.

This article is based on The Secret Path To Motherhood, the #1 best-selling program for getting pregnant naturally and having happy, healthy children . It was designed by Emily Roberts, an acclaimed health consultant and nutritionist who after struggling with her own infertility battles for years and finally going on to naturally have two beautiful children of her own, decided to create the the only sure-fire pregnancy solution 100% guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of infertility and help you get pregnant using only natural and holistic techniques. You can learn more about this revolutionary program on her website by Clicking Here!

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